Did you get here because of an old watermarked image of mine you found on Google or Pinterest?
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By day I’m leading a crackerjack team of designers and researchers as the Director of Product Design at tech unicorn Staffbase.

By night I’m consulting for Doubleknot Works, helping people with career, coaching, creativity, and LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®.

With any time left I’m making dumb stickers for smart phones with my animated iOS app that’s now over 75,000 downloads.
Other things
Our division shutting down. Me and my team losing our jobs. And our manager flying into town for a visit. These were exceptionally weird circumstances for a team building event.
10 years ago I set foot in Pixar wearing the most ridiculous outfit. Find out how the untold tale of my viral job application connects to the breakthrough character in Toy Story 4. Did Keanu Reeves portray me in a Hollywood blockbuster?
My youngest is going through a pivotal moment in life: his first viewing of Star Wars. To track what he's seen and what's left, we worked together to come up with this handy dandy, definitive, and printable Star Wars viewing checklist (and useful map of the timeline too).
In a previous life
Progressed from individual contribution into design leadership, transforming the flagship product and elevating the “bananabrand”.
Transitioned from web marketing into product as part of this tech startup’s mission to inspire “everyday philanthropists” through charitable impact.
Founded an independent lifestyle blog with my friend all about our hometown, and ultimately sold the site to its current curator.
Working with the faculty and students in the Graphic Design for Marketing department, handling marketing, events, and fixing printers.
A consistent contract culminated in getting to design a new identity for this publicity, marketing, development, and design agency.
My first non-freelance design job, doing a lot of real estate marketing in addition to agency work like graphic design, print, and packaging.
Thanks for visiting my roadside attraction on the information superhighway.
My name is Nick and I'm a product designer by day and a sticker designer by night. Over the course of my career I've cofounded three hilarious children and cried at every Pixar movie.